Event re-postponed:_
Very apologies for the confusion._
The re-postponed date will be notified later.
Event Postponed: September 27 (Mon) 6PM-8PM: Free Webiner: How to cope with the amended Japan’s Personal Information Protection Act
Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event is being rescheduled. The new date for the event is September 27 (Mon) 6PM-8PM (JST)
Apologies for your inconvenience.
You may freely access the weblink below.
Webiner ID: 863 8075 8757
Webiner Passcord: 606623
Re:_How to cope with the amended Japan’s Personal Information Protection Act
Date:__September 14, 2021 (Tue) 12AM (JST),_ September 13, 2021 (Mon), 4PM (BST), 11AM (EDT), 8AM(PDT)_
Speaker:_Masayuki Watanabe (Miyake&Partners)
Venue:_Zoom Webinar (You can find the Zoom web address, ID and PC in the Entry Form below)
Entry Form
Speaker will explain the detail of the amendment to the Japan’s Personal Infomation Protection Act effective on April 1, 2022, and how to change privacy policy (including cookie policy) and company rules and manuals.
1._Ovrerview of the Personal Infomation Protection Act of Japan
2._Amendment to the Personal Information Protection Act effective on April, 2022
2.1._Cross-border transfer of personal information requires sufficient information regarding the treatment of personal information under the jurisdiction
2.2._Mandatory obligation of filing report to the PIPC and sending notification to data subjects when personal information is leaked.
2.3._Consent and confirmation obligation for peson related infomation (e.g. cookie, ID) when used as personal data
3._Comparison with GDPR regulations
4._How to change privacy policy and rules
Speaker:_Masayuki Watanabe,_Partner, Miyake & Partners
Practice Focus:_privacy regulations, banking regulations, anti-money laundering regulations
Education:_Tokyo University (LLB, 1995); Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan (Diploma, 2001), Columbia Law School (LL.M., 2007)._
TEL :_+81-3-5288-1021